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[] The Myofascial Release Manual, 3rd Ed 품절 적립금

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The Myofascial Release Manual, 3rd Ed 기본 정보
소비자가 20,000원
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  • 적립금 결제시 적립금 ( %) 적
  • 휴대폰 결제시 적립금 ( %) 휴
제조사 Carol. J. Manheim, MS, Med, PT
원산지 영문출판사


SNS 상품홍보

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[Book Description]

The Myofascial Release Manual is now available in a new, thoroughly updated, and refined third edition. This improved and expanded book places a greater emphasis on hand placements that is reinforced with over 350 photographs. Three renowned experts in their own field, Sam Keggereis, PT, ATC, Steven Nowicki, PhD, and Robert Ward, D.O, have all contributed to this third edition, offering their unique insight and clarity into the technique of Myofascial Release. This timely book has a user-friendly format that concentrates on the specific "how-to’s" of the myofascial techniques, as well as offering an explanation of the theory and experience of the method of Myofascial Release. The book begins by presenting the basic learning steps of the techniques, then takes the reader into the advanced techniques and evaluations. Additional resources such as posture evaluation forms and references are included at the end of the book, to augment the value of this superior learning tool. The Myofascial Release Manual, Third Edition is an essential manual that includes answers to commonly asked questions and does an excellent job of illustrating hand placement for many of the muscles in the body. Carol J. Manheim, MS, MEd, PT, LPC, renowned in the area of Myofascial Release, has developed this new edition to be modeled after her own extensive background, teaching experiences, and lectures.


About the Author

SectionⅠ: Introduction to Myofascial Release
Myofascial Therapy
Myofascial Restrictions
Myofascial Release: A Brief History
Understanding Myofascial Release
Learning Myofascial Release
Basic Steps: An Overview of Treatment
Special Considerations
Significance of Touch and Nonverbal Communication 
Focusing on Feedback: Communication Exercises 
Protocols for Myofascial Release

SectionⅡ: Basic Myofascial Release Techniques
Gross Stretch of the Upper Quarter: Arm Pull
Sidelying Gross Stretch of the Parascapular Muscle
Gross Stretch of the Lower Quarter: Leg Pull
Sidelying Gross Stretch of the Gluteal Muscles
Cervical Region
Pectoralis Major and Minor
Intercostals and the Rib Cage 
Abdominal Muscles 
Lower Extremity Muscles 
Back Muscles
Upper Extremity Muscles
Gross Stretch of Both Arms and the Upper Trunk: Bilateral Arm Pull
Gross Stretch of Both Legs and the Lower Trunk: Bilateral Leg Pull

Section Ⅲ: Advanced Myofascial Release Techniques
Anterior Chest Wall Release
Diaphragm Release 
Pelvic Floor Release
Myofascial Trigger Points 
Skin and Scar Mobility 
Myofascial Strum Release 
Dural Tube Dysfunction 
Combination Release
Treatment in Three Dimensions

Section Ⅳ: Evaluation: Initial Assessment
General Considerations
Initial Interiew
Posture Evaluation
Pain Assessment

Section Ⅴ: Additional Resources
Posture Evaluation
Additional References



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